Map/Kansas/Junction City

Junction City personalized incentives

total potential incentives/rebates $37,130

Disclaimer: Incentives are estimates and the customer will need to verify eligibility.

incentives & rebates

potential incentives/rebates in your city

Savings category Action Amount
ENERGY $7100
TRANSPORTATION Car Dealers $7500
ENERGY Appliances & Repair $840
ENERGY Water Heater $3750
ENERGY Plumbing $840
TRANSPORTATION Electrician $7100

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residential energy savings

Junction City

Junction City, KS, founded in 1858, is a historic community located in Geary County. With a population of approximately 24,000, it proudly serves as a gateway to Fort Riley, a major US Army installation. The city offers cultural diversity, with annual events like Sundown Salute and the Jammin’ in JC Blues & BBQ Festival. Its Milford Lake is Kansas' largest, providing ample recreation. The Geary County Historical Society Museum showcases local heritage. Education is a priority, with a strong public school system and nearby Kansas State University. The local economy benefits from both military and agricultural influences.

incentives available in Junction City for...
energy icon


Junction City, located in Kansas, has taken strides in improving its energy efficiency by adopting a range of measures. The city has incentivized the installation of energy-efficient appliances and lighting in homes and businesses, reducing overall energy consumption. With the encouragement of local government, many buildings have undergone energy audits, leading to the implementation of enhanced insulation, which has profoundly cut heating and cooling costs. Solar panel installations have gained popularity, thanks to local subsidies and federal tax credits. The electricity grid in Junction City has been upgraded to accommodate a higher proportion of renewable energy sources, contributing to a more sustainable energy mix. The city's transition to LED streetlights has resulted in significant savings in municipal energy costs. The local power plant has made substantial investments in reducing emissions and increasing the efficiency of energy production.

energy icon


Water conservation in Junction City has become a priority, with initiatives to safeguard this vital resource. The city has updated its water infrastructure to decrease leaks and water loss, investing in advanced metering technology to accurately monitor water usage. Residents and businesses alike are encouraged to use water-efficient appliances and fixtures through rebate programs. Rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly common, supported by local incentives for homeowners who install such systems. The city has invested in its wastewater treatment facilities, improving the quality of water returned to the environment. Xeriscaping, the practice of landscaping with drought-resistant plants, is promoted to reduce outdoor water use. Educational initiatives emphasize the importance of water conservation in schools and the community at large.

energy icon


Efficiency in transportation has been a key concern for Junction City, with multiple initiatives aimed at reducing emissions and improving mobility. The city has expanded its public transportation system, offering residents more frequent and reliable services. To promote cleaner transportation options, Junction City has installed electric vehicle charging stations at strategic locations. The city's infrastructure now better accommodates bicycles, with the addition of dedicated bike lanes and bike-sharing programs. A significant effort has been made to repair and maintain roads, enhancing the flow of traffic and reducing fuel consumption. Carpooling is actively promoted, with incentives provided to commuters who choose to share rides. The city's long-term urban planning emphasizes the development of walkable neighborhoods to reduce the need for vehicular travel.

energy icon


Junction City's waste management system has seen significant improvements aimed at enhancing efficiency and reducing landfill use. The city has implemented a comprehensive recycling program, encouraging residents to separate recyclables from regular trash. Special collection events for electronic waste help prevent hazardous materials from entering the landfill. A city-wide composting initiative supports organic waste recycling, turning kitchen and yard waste into valuable compost for agricultural and landscaping use. The local government has partnered with waste management companies to increase the efficiency of collection routes, thereby reducing fuel consumption and emissions. Businesses are incentivized to minimize waste through 'zero waste' policies and practices. Educational programs have raised public awareness about the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling materials.